01 Pioneers of space-based quantum communication
We produced the world’s first orbiting entangled photon source in a shoebox-size satellite. With this milestone complete, we can focus on systems integration and quantum physics.

SpooQy-1 is the culmination of decades of quantum technology development at CQT. It is the first cube-sat in the world to demonstrate a successful operation of a polarization entangled source and detectors in space.

SpeQtral in collaboration with RAL Space will launch the second gen entangled photon source that incorporates the lessons learnt on SpooQy-1. This mission will demonstrate QKD using BBM92 protocol from space.

SpeQtral-1 is a commercial tech-demonstrator mission with the aim to validate global QKD distribution from space. The satellite will test and validate QKD using BB84 as well as BBM92 protocols.